Rolfing® FAQ

I wrote this Rolfing® FAQ page to provide some answers to burning questions you may have. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please reach out via the contact page or book a session today!

What is Rolfing?

Rolfing is a systematic approach to fascia manipulation that aims to integrate the fascial structure of a body within itself and within its environment, particularly as relates to gravity. It involves mostly firm pressure contact with no oils in slow and intentional strokes along fascial lines, but there can also be light touch, long holds with light or firm pressure, and movement with or without contact. In Rolfing we think less about the technique and more about what goals we are trying to accomplish. 

What is a Rolfing 10-series?

Rolfing is traditionally taught and practiced in a 10-session series in which each session covers a different area of the body. Rolfing can also be approached by engaging its principles and its goals without strictly adhering to a 10-session protocol. I offer both 10-series work and non-formulaic work.

The benefit of the 10 series is that it systematically works through every region of the body. Whether or not we follow the Rolfing “recipe” a series of successive appointments allows us to address the whole body in such a way that evokes lasting change. In Rolfing, each session in a series aims to build on the work done in previous sessions.

What’s with the funny name?

Rolfing is a brand-name for structural integration as taught at the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute (DIRI). Ida Rolf pioneered the work of structural integration in the 1970s spawning several different schools of SI. The terms Rolfing and Rolfer® are registered trademarks of DIRI, which is the school that Ida Rolf founded to teach structural integration in 1971.

Does Rolfing hurt?

We all know that tension going into the body is uncomfortable, but so is tension leaving the body. Rolfing shouldn’t hurt, but it it might feel intense, uncomfortable, or unusual. Your body should be able to breathe and relax into whatever pressure or sensation you are feeling. If you feel tension come into your body from the pressure, it’s probably too much. Always communicate with your practitioner if you need more/less pressure.

What are your Rolfing sessions like?

Rolfing sessions typically start with a few assessments in sitting, standing, or walking before hands-on treatment. A client may change position on the table several times during a session, and may get up and walk briefly during the session. The session ends with sitting, standing, or moving work to integrate the work on the table.

What should I wear?

I typically recommend shorts and a T-shirt/tank top/sports bra for my clients. This is because the deep tissue work of Rolfing is most effective with direct contact on the skin. It is possible to do Rolfing hands-on work through some fabrics, but those who are interested in deep fascia manipulation will benefit from direct contact.